Underscores Mean Nothing (to Python ints)
This is a cool Python feature that is easy to miss because it…um…doesn’t do anything. You can include an underscore when declaring an int and the underscore is ignored. Here’s an example.
>>> my_int = 100_000
>>> print(my_int)
That’s cool! You can add underscores to make integers easier to read.
Big numbers
Let’s say that need to know how many Subway restaurants there were in the United States from 2015 to 20211.
us_subways = {
2015: 27103,
2016: 26744,
2017: 25908,
2018: 24798,
2019: 23801,
2020: 22005,
2021: 21147,
You can add an underscore to make it easier to read.
us_subways = {
2015: 27_103,
2016: 26_744,
2017: 25_908,
2018: 24_798,
2019: 23_801,
2020: 22_005,
2021: 21_147,
APIs often use large integers as constants. When they do, it can be difficult to see that 111111111 and 1111111111 are different. While those two numbers appear similar to the human eye, they can have radically different meanings.
RESERVED = 111111111
SELF_DESTRUCT = 1111111111
These constants are tough to check during code review. I know they are different because I typed them and quadruple-checked them. Every time I read this code snippet, they still look the same to me.
Let’s add some underscores.
RESERVED = 111_111_111
SELF_DESTRUCT = 1_111_111_111
Now it’s easy to see the difference! Hooray!
Inspired by the Python convention, I use underscores when I write requirements and stories. During design and planning, constants are repeatedly copied and rewritten. Sometimes they are changed accidentally. Before you know it, your laptop is initiating a self-destruct sequence.
Adding underscores in the requirements phase makes these numbers easier to read and less prone to typos or copy/paste errors.
Weird units
The underscores don’t have to go where commas go. You can put them anywhere. Consider a thermostat control with a precision of 0.1 degrees Celsius. The interface accepts an integer.
Let’s set the temperature to 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Farenheit).
The code above looks like it was written by a maniac. Was I planning to watch TV or bake potatoes? I wish my roommates would watch TV more quietly. Maybe I wanted to make baked couch potatoes.
We can regain our sanity by adding an underscore where the decimal would go.
Much better!
Bit sequences masquerading as integers
You can use underscores with any integer format. Feel free to scatter them into your binary too. This is helpful for numbers that represent bit arrays.
Our thermostat has an LED. We control the mode and brightness with an integer that represents the following 8 bit sequence.
1 bit:
0 = OFF
1 = ON
2 bits: Mode
5 bits: Brightness
Number from 0 to 31
We want to configure ON/FAST BLINK/MID BRIGHTNESS. We could write
Or we could add underscores to make it easier to see different parts of the command.
I find the second one easier to read. I also find it easier to type.
Some systems have more complex bit sequences than the the one above. Your mobile phone receives scheduling information via Downlink Control Information (DCI)2. Don’t worry about what that means or how it works. Just check out this example using DCI Format 2A for LTE.
dci_2a = 0b0000100000000000000001011100000010000000
Here it is broken into its parts with underscores.
dci_2a = 0b0_00010000000000000_00_010_1_11000_0_00_10000_0_00
Four of the chunks above have variable length. You can work out what the lengths are, but I think it’s nicer to use underscores so I only have to work the lengths out once.
Start underscoring
I love that Python ints support underscores because they are quick and easy to use when I need them. I can toss an underscore into a ticket description, source code, test code, or the Python interactive console.
And just as importantly, I can leave them out when I don’t want them. They’re great because they don’t do anything. They add meaning to me and Python ignores them.
Statista, Number of Subway Restaurants in the United States from 2015 to 2021, retrieved April 17, 2023. ↩
Here’s are a couple of links to ShareTechnote that describe DCI: 4G/LTE - DCI, 5G/NR - DCI ↩